LinkedIn Concierge Service for Lead Generation

Forget the manual process of adding random Linkedin profiles to your network.

We will help you get in touch with new, high value, targeted leads each week so you can focus on what you do best.

Get 100 highly targeted LinkedIn connection requests for Free 👇

I  Get leads every month, it's a number game! Thanks Makemefamous

Davin A

How it works?

Easy process - we take care of everything. 

We’ll send you the Intake Form

After you purchase the service we will send you an intake form you’ll have to fill in. It contains several questions about your business and your goals.

Designated Consultant

After you fill in the Intake, a designated Lead Generation Specialist will be assigned to you and they will get in touch with you to set everything up.

Initial Set-up

We’ll start the research on LinkedIn for your desired target audience and we will prepare the connection message that will be sent to them.

Book A Meeting

We’ll send the connection requests along with the connection message and you will be able to see your network grow daily.

Follow-up message(s)

We’ll send the follow-up messages to your new connections.

*this step doesn't apply to the LinkedIn Lead Generation Light service.


We’ll keep you updated on the progress of your LinkedIn Lead Generation service by sending periodic reports.

Sit back and Relax

Your network will continue to grow every week and we will follow-up with your new connections. You can just sit back and relax, we've got you covered.

Sell More with Linkedin.

Automate your Linkedin to generate more sales, leads, and revenue. With our Linkedin concierge service you can get more wins, by adding more profiles.
Close more deals today.

Perfect for Sales : Get more meetings and access top executives to achieve your goals.

Perfect for Marketers : Generate more leads, invite to webinars, promote your brand. 

Perfect for HRs : Get more interviews and approach more candidates With our LinkedIn Concierge Service

Perfect for job seekers : Find your dream job by adding the top recruiters in your industry every single day


Contacts Added


Happy Clients


Revenue generated by the customers


I  Get leads or in my case candidates every month, it's a number game. Thanks Makemefamous

Davin A

I wanted to grow my audience organically, but I did not have the time to search for new connections. I needed someone who could take care of this task for me. Here’s where MakeMeFamous came into play. They’re taking good care of this aspect. Not to mention that the communication and relationship between me and Imad is very human and caring.

I have increased my LinkedIn connections consistently and with people who are interested in my services. I am getting incredibly on target connections and I am so happy about it. I have also met some of these connections live so that I had the opportunity to widen my network. A couple converted into buying my products 🙂

Jessica C


How do you find the people I will connect to/send messages to?

Based on your needs we use targeted criteria to find your target audience. We use the filters available on LinkedIn and we also analyze each account you get connected to. If you also have Sales Navigator, the searching is done even more efficiently & targeted because there are more filters available on it.

What should my connection message look like on LinkedIn?

It should be as personalized as possible, indicate why you want to connect with them and how you two can benefit from the connection. Example:

Hi John,

I came across your profile on LinkedIn, found it interesting, and thought we might benefit from being connected.


What are the message length restrictions on LinkedIn?

For connection messages: 300 characters. For direct messages to 1st-degree connections: 1900 characters.

How can I avoid getting my messages flagged as spam?

We recommend having a relevant connection message (stating the reason why you’re connecting with that person in the first place) and valuable information for the other messages. You should also keep the messages simple like one would write them. This way you avoid getting you message flagged as spam.

Do I need a Premium LinkedIn Account?

We strongly recommend you to have a Premium Account for the LinkedIn Lead Generation Services.

When many searches are done from a LinkedIn account, this behavior is seen as commercial by their system, which means that LinkedIn limits the number of searches that can be done daily, preventing us from finding 100 users per week. A Premium Plan allows us to do unlimited searches.

Will you personalize the messages?

We will personalize the connection message and the first follow-up message with the name of the user you are writing to.

How much does it take until the service begins?

At first, we will need your credentials to log in to your account, and when we do this you will receive a PIN. We will need to get this PIN from you in order to be able to access your account. A quick call might be required as the PIN expires within a few minutes. Once we manage to get the PIN, log in to your account and understand your target audience, we will start sending the connection requests.

Don’t worry, you will be informed of all the steps as we go along.

What is Sales Navigator and how does it work?

Sales Navigator is an upgraded version of LinkedIn. It allows you to do an advanced lead search (using advanced search filters such as seniority level, years of experience, and company headcounts) and keep track of your leads (by saving them in account lists and adding tags).

This tool is perfect if you have very specific criteria for your target audience.
If you are currently using a free plan, you can get this version by subscribing to a Sales plan. If you already have a premium plan, you can just upgrade to a Sales plan.

Is it secure?

Yes! Tools and tech we use mimics human movement and clicks to keep you safe. We also provide a dedicated ip for each client.

Get 100 LinkedIn  connection requests free!

 Only high targeted connections.  Start for free no credit card required


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